Thursday, December 11, 2008

Trends, Trends, Trends...

When meeting with prospective brides, I'm often asked about what trends are current in terms of wedding flowers, and whether the trends must be followed. My answer? It's your wedding -- whatever you want is the "trend" that we'll follow!

Like fashion trends, I think that trends in flowers should be viewed only as guidelines as opposed to absolute mandates. And as with fashion trends, sometimes it's hard to keep up with what's "current" -- everything changes so quickly! There are a good number of wedding magazines on the market, and almost all of them have recently posted their version of the 2009 trends for wedding flowers. Unfortunately, none of them seem to be on the same page (pun intended!), so it's hard to tell exactly what is "in" and what is "out". Just this week, I read that: Black is the new black; brown is out; yellow is the new hot color; bright colors are in at weddings (so many of my clients were trendsetters before their time!); Mokara Orchids are the hot flower for 2009 (I've been using them for years -- who knew I was a trendsetter too?); pink is the new white; gray is the new black -- wait, wait, wait: Is gray the new black, or is black the new black? It's enough to send the bravest bride into a full-scale color coma...

All trends start somewhere, and in case you haven't figured it out, in the beginning, a trend is simply one person's opinion! It's no different than a film critic's take on a new movie. A trend can be thought-provoking, it can be idea inspiring -- or it can simply be something you just ignore.

My advice to trend-confused brides is this: Do what you want to do. It's your day, for Pete's sake, and frankly, you should be able to have whatever color palette (or flower) makes your little heart happy! If you love pink, you shall have it -- and if you want to beautifully pair it with that dastardly and recently "outed" brown, by all means do it. It will be YOUR day, it will reflect who YOU are and what YOU love -- and in the end, isn't that really the only trend that matters??

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